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Did you receive a fax with the sending number blocked, subject "Medical Insurance", saying to call "800-969-6710" and "866-567-1507"? It is a junk fax scam. While the names, numbers and exact wording may change, if it looks like the example below, it is just a sleazy attempt to send an unsolicited junk advertisement.
This "business" either bought your fax number off of a list of verified fax machine phone numbers, or made his own list, using an autodialer to randomly dial phone numbers until it hears a fax receiving tone on the other end.
The scams work the same way as in email or telephone; usually it is "hot stock tip" scam (see this page about stock and security scams) or it is a basic advanced fee fraud (AFF, also called "Nigerian 419 scams, see this page) or it is simply a really sleazy way to advertise their product or service. Would you want to buy anything from a business that uses junk faxes to advertise?
Autofax dialers can produce, store, and dial telephone numbers using a random or sequential number generator. Often, they dial every number in a sequence, hoping that some are valid and they will connect to a fax machine.
See this page for what you can do to stop the junk faxes, including suing them!
I keep getting junk faxes promising Medical Insurance at $89.50/month. This insurance claims to cover everything, including doctors, hospital stays, dental, prescription drugs, etc.
There is usually a deadline, saying "promotion ends the following day", in this case tomorow, April 23.
I know this is a scam to lure people desperate for affordable healthcare. I called the following phone number to find out more:
To enroll for coverage in this dubious plan they want your personal data including a credit card number. Then you would receive an information package within three weeks confirming your enrolment.
Please check out this scam at 1-800-880-8627 and help protect innocent victims.
See this list of frequently asked questions, direct from the FTC.