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Lottery Scam Email:
contact "Mr.Ramson White"

Here's another version of the  Yahoo / Microsoft scam. Again, if you don't see the obvious signs of a scam here, you ought to be worried: Yahoo and Microsoft are competitors. And they certainly don't "collects all the email addresses of  the people that are active online" and their staff generally know how to spell simple words like "Incorporated" or "Corporation". Or use their own spell checkers...

Below is another example of a fake lottery; this one claiming to be from the "YAHOO & MSN MICROSOFT WINDOWS LOTTERY" which they say is sponsored by Microsoft in the United Kingdom.  

Note the usual clues to an obvious fraud that we have highlighted in the letter.  Especially notice the free Yahoo email return address.  Doesn't it make sense that Microsoft would notify winners of a lottery it sponsors, via a competitor's email system? And if that isn't an obvious enough sign for you, since when does Microsoft operate a lottery?

This one is really too stupid to believe that anyone would fall for it...  And for another, even worse attempt Microsoft scam, see this page.

This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of Five hundred thousand, Great Britain Pound Sterlings(£500,000.00) for this month 2007 Lottery promotion which is organized by YAHOO/MSN LOTTERY INC & WINDOWS LIVE.

YAHOO/MSN & MICROSOFT WINDOWS, collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to the Yahoo and Hotmail. we only select five people every Month as our winners through electronic balloting System without the winner applying, we congratulate you for being one of the people selected.

These are your identification numbers:

Batch number.....................YM 09102XN,Reff number.......................YM35447XN,Winning number...................YM09788

These numbers fall within your Location file, you are requested to contact the events manager, send your winning identification numbers to him,to enable him verify your claims.How ever you will have to fill and submit this form to the events manager for verification & direction on how you can claim your winning fund.

1. Full name..............

2. Contact Address........

3. Age....................

4. Telephone Number.......

5. Marital Status.........

6. Sex....................

7. Zip Code...............

8. Occupation.............

9. Company................




14. Your Reference and Batch number at the top of this mail:


Name: Mr.Ramson White


TEL: +44 70457 12933

Thank you and Accept my hearty congratulations once again!


Names of Scam / Fake / Fraud Lottery 

Click here for the huge list of the names of the currently identified lottery scams companies
