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Did you win the Yahoo Lottery or the Yahoo Internet Lottery? Lucky you! The photos and logos sure look nice. Just a few obvious problems: Dr. John Freeman sure makes a LOT loads of spelling errors for someone with a doctorate! Isn't it odd, that he signs his name "Carl A. Harrison"? And he must have been a lousy doctor to now end up as an "online co-ordinator". Hmm, and since when do we put a hyphen in the word "coordinator"? And now we "Fill up" forms rather than fill them out?
Also, lotteries NEVER email the winners.. and, oh yes, Yahoo doesn't HAVE a lottery! Don't you think you would have heard of it by now, if they did? And since when do lotteries choose winners who didn't buy a ticket: "All participant were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from Nine hundred thousand E-mail addresses".
Below is another example of a fake lottery; this one claiming to be from the "YAHOO Internet LOTTERY".
Note the usual clues to an obvious fraud that we have highlighted in the letter.
And for an even worse attempt Microsoft scam, see this page.
Sent: 1/4/2008 9:11:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
You won $800.000! Yahoo! Mail congratulates you! ![]()
YOU WON $800.000!
Yahoo! Mail gives members random cash prizes. Today, your account is randomly selected as the one of 12 top winners accounts who will get cash prizes from us.We are happy to inform you that you have won a prize money of (Eight Hundred Thousand Us Dollar ($800,000) for the first quarter, in respect of the New Year lottery winnining promotion which is organized by Yahoo every Year.YAHOO, collects all the mail id of the people that are online on yahoo messenger, among the millions that subscribe to yahoo messenger we only select five people every month as our winners through electronic balloting System without the winner applying,we are congratulating you for been one of the people selected. All participant were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from Nine hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually.
This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomorate of some multinational companies as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the commmunities where they have operational base. Further more your details (e-mail address) falls within our British representative office in United Kingdom , as indicated in your play coupon and your prize of US$800,000 will be released to you from this regional branch office in UK / African Branch.
We hope with part of your prize, you will participate in our end of year high stakes for US$1.3 Billion international draw.HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE
These are your identification numbers.......................Batch number.....................Ab/673-740/01Ref. number.......................56/73-99/76AWinning number...................15806To begin your claims, kindly contact the Bank of England Judiciary Agent Name : Dr. Clement Hall Adams, Phone : +44 70 111 52 77 36 ( from Monday to Friday ) email address ( ) You are required to forward him with the following details:1.FULL NAME : .......................................................................2.COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : ...........................................................3.PRESENT ADRESS.: ................................................................4.DIRTH OF BIRTH / AGE. :........................................................5.OCCUPATION : ......................................................................6.TELEPHONE NUMBER : .............................................................6.FAX NUMBER ( IF ANY : .................................................................7.MARITAL STATUS : ....................................................................8.SEX : ..............................................................9.WINNING NUMBER,BATCH NUMBER AND LOTTO NUMBER: .............As soon as you contact the Attorney, he will advise you on what to do in order to get your prize money.Congratulations once more!!For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information
confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your
prize released to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid
double claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this programme by non-participant or unofficial personnel.Congratulations once more!!Yours Sincerely,Dr. John Freeman,ONLINE CO-ORDINATOR.
Click here for the huge list of the names of the currently identified lottery scams companies