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Did you receive a call from APEX saying that since you were a valued customer, they were going to send you free air travel tickets? Don't send them money nor give them any credit card, bank account or other personal information!
Scammers are not just busy on the internet, they are burning up the phone lines in attempts to scam people. See below for a consumer report of calls from APEX, an analysis and links to other information about APEX:
I got a call from a company called APEX they told me i was there valued customer and that i was reciving a free gift which consisted of plane tickets. At the time i thought it was too good to be true because im in the army and my car is in the shop for some major repairs and i needed to get home to attend for a family situation. They asked for a $1.25 for shiping me these tickets so i said ok and then they wanted my bank account and social i told them that i didnt feel comfortable but they said that it wasnt a scam and that they work with the better business beauro so i gave it to them a week later i got a box in the mail with no plane tickets and a bottle of slim pills. Then a week later they took $170.00 out of my account. what do i do to fix this?
A search on the BB website turned up many companies named APEX, some legitimate, some with many complaints./ It appears to either be a complete scam using the name, or this company behind this particular call
There are several websites that focus on reports of scam phone calls. See these:
There are a number of common telephone scams, such as:
and some new and as yet, uncommon scams.
See these pages for guidance as applicable to your specific situation: