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Did you receive a call from Microsoft at 800-809-0923 saying that since you were a valued customer, they were going to send you free air travel tickets? Don't send them money nor give them any credit card, bank account or other personal information!
Scammers are not just busy on the internet, they are burning up the phone lines in attempts to scam people. See below for a consumer report of calls from Microsoft at 800-809-0923, an analysis and links to other information about Microsoft at 800-809-0923:
Received a bill in the mail from Microsoft for $15.98. I'm not sure what the bill is for, so I called the 800 number on the bill. No one ever picks up the phone, but the automated system asks for your SSN. I researched the description of the charge (MSNIA Subscription) on the internet, and the first few links were all SCAM related, with people receiving the same bill with the same charge amount.
The phone number is 1800-809-0923. The adress on the bill is PO Box 847124 Dallas, TX 75284-7124. Another address on the bill is PO Box 14647 Tucxon, AZ 85732
The reverse side of the bill asks for you to fill out your credit card info.
I'm throwing this away, but please try and stop these guys.
There are several websites that focus on reports of scam phone calls.
A search on this number turns up reports that say this is
The links below go to pages on these other websites were you can read reports about the scams associated with this phone number (Microsoft at 800-809-0923):
There are several websites that focus on reports of scam phone calls. See these:
There are a number of common telephone scams, such as:
and some new and as yet, uncommon scams.
See these pages for guidance as applicable to your specific situation: