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"British National Lottery (Online Program)" is another UK National Lottery Scam; see this page for a very similar letter - note the different email addresses. Claiming to be the "online version", the scammer will send you an email from a fictitious person like "Mr. Ashley Baker" and tell you to contact another fictitious person "our fiduciary agent" (their "claims processor"). Of course, you cannot win ANY real lottery without buying a ticket. There is no such thing as a "computer draw system" and your email address cannot and will never win any lottery! The names, "Mr. Ashley Baker", "our fiduciary agent", may be different; they keep changing them to con you! Doesn't it seem odd that the email was sent from a free email account and was sent to a broad distribution list?
See this page for the reply you will receive from the scammers if you write (or call) back!
Of course, there are only two legal lotteries in Britain, the National Lottery and the Monday Lottery, anyway, and they do NOT use email to notify winners. Below is a scam email actually received.
DO NOT reply to any emails you receive that claim you have won a lottery that you did not enter. They are frauds. You will lose your money. There is no "free lunch"; don't be foolish and believe a scam! We can not say it any more plainly: YOU WILL NOT BE NOTIFIED BY EMAIL BY ANY LEGITIMATE LOTTERY THAT YOU WON A PRIZE. If you do receive such an email, it IS a fraud, do not reply to it! If you DID reply to one, click here to see what you will likely receive back.
For your education and entertainment, we have highlighted some of the obvious clues that this is a scam.
In the UK, call the hotline at 020 7211 8111 to check or report lottery scams.
Subject: NOTIFICATION 2007: CONFIRM RECEIPTBritish National Lottery Headquarters:
Customer Service Department
Batch: 12/25/0304WINNING NOTIFICATION 2007
We happily announce to you the draw (#471) of the BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY (online program), held recently. Your e-mail address attached to an electronic ticket number: 56475600545 which was assigned to your e-mail address with Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers:01 25 26 27 39 49 (bonus no.), which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category i.e match 5 plus bonus. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £250,000 (Two Hundred And Fifty Thousand Pounds Sterling) in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03. This is from a total cash prize of £1,000,000 shared amongst the first four (4) lucky winners in this category i.e Match 5 plus bonus. Please note that your lucky number falls within our European booklet representative office in Europe as indicated in your play coupon (5647560054). In view of this, your £250,000 (Two Hundred And Fifty thousand pounds sterling) would be released to you by any of our payment offices in Europe. Our European agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him. To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent and provide him with the information below:
Marital Status :
Occupation :
Country of residence:
Telephone number:
Cell phone number:
Fax number:
Draw number above:
Email address:
Mr. Ashley Baker
British National Lottery
Fiduciary Agent
Email Address:
Phone Number: +(44) 702 403 7471
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